Medicare Vs The VA HealthCare System
VA Medical Benefit Program
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides a Medical Benefits Package, a standard enhanced health benefits plan available to all enrolled Veterans. This plan emphasizes preventive and primary care and offers a full range of outpatient and inpatient services within the VA health care system.
There is no monthly premium required to use VA care, however Veterans may have to agree to pay copayments. If a Veteran has health insurance, it may cover the cost of co pays.
What Benefits Do I Get from the VA?
Medical Benefits Package - Standard Benefits. VA's medical benefits package provides the following health care services to all enrolled Veterans, and offers a full range of outpatient and inpatient services within VA health care system, including but not limited to:
Preventive Care Services
Periodic health exams
Routine vision testing and eye-care services
Maintenance of drug-use profiles, drug monitoring, and drug use education
Mental health and substance abuse preventive services
Prevention of musculoskeletal deformity or other gradually developing disabilities of a metabolic or degenerative nature
Genetic counseling concerning inheritance of genetically determined diseases
Periodic reexamination of members of high-risk groups for selected diseased and for functional decline of sensory organs and the services to treat these diseases and functional declines
Health Education Programs
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Diagnostic and Treatment Services
Primary and Specialty Care
Emergency care
Surgical (including reconstructive/plastic surgery as a result of disease or trauma)
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Durable medical equipment
Prosthetic and orthotic devices including eyeglasses and hearing aids (for qualifying Veterans)
Hospital (Inpatient) Diagnostic and Treatment Services
Surgical (including reconstructive/plastic surgery as a result of disease or trauma)
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Do I need sign up for Medicare if I'm a Veteran with VA health care?
What is Medicare?
Medicare is a U.S. federal insurance program that helps people 65 and older or permanently disable beneficiaries meet their medical needs. Just like private insurance, anyone enrolled in Medicare will have copays and deductibles. Beneficiaries can choose between multiple Medicare health plans.
Medicare covers short term rehabilitative services in a skilled nursing facility or nursing homes, such as:
Ambulance services
Bariatric surgery
Cardiac rehabilitation
Diabetes prevention
Flu shots and other immunizations
Inpatient hospital care, rehabilitation, and home health services
Hospice and Palliative Care
Medicare won’t cover the costs of assisted living or independent living facilities.